Hey, folks! It's Chrissy. This blog is a selfish one. Meaning, I'm writing it primarily as a way to motivate myself to never stop searching the Gospel and learning new things. However, if anyone would like to drop in and see if they can learn from my insights, you're more than welcome!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Blessing #8: Understanding

As a Mormon, I find that, even though our beliefs and values are truly very simple and they bring indescribable joy to those that live by them, my faith is frequently misunderstood and misinterpreted. What a blessing it is when those not of my faith are willing to make the effort to understand what we are all about! 
I am sincerely grateful to Mike Jensen, one such non-Mormon that did just that in writing his article, "The Mormon Effect." 

Please take the time to check it out! You won't regret it.
(When you click on the link, you may need to scroll up to see the article)

PS - While I think that his explanation of the Plan of Salvation is beautiful, I have to say I think he is missing one thing: Life on Earth is more than just a test to see if we could return to live with God (why leave in the first place?). It is a choice opportunity for us to learn and progress in ways we could not without mortal bodies. Living a righteous life gives us the chance to inherit all that God has, including all of His wisdom. We are here on Earth to have the chance to be like Him.

1 comment:

  1. I've never liked the word 'test' either! Too formal and foreboding sounding! That's why I love 2 Nephi 2:25... men are that they might have joy! Much better sounding than a test!!
