Hey, folks! It's Chrissy. This blog is a selfish one. Meaning, I'm writing it primarily as a way to motivate myself to never stop searching the Gospel and learning new things. However, if anyone would like to drop in and see if they can learn from my insights, you're more than welcome!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Blessing #6: Eternal Progression

It is an enormous blessing to be here on Earth. To have the chance to live a life here, and to experience everything from the suffering and failures that makes us appreciate the joys and tender mercies, to the love and successes that give us the strength and motivation to do amazing things.
But what for? For what purpose? 

It can all be wrapped up in one word:

God loves us so much that He has given us the beautiful opportunity to have all that He has, and to become all that He is. We are here on Earth to love, to work, to prove, and most of all, to grow. And the best part is, we are not expected to achieve in leaps and bounds. All He asks of us is that we work everyday, just to take that next step forward. 

One of the greatest men of all time (seriously, though. I love this guy), President Gordon B. Hinckley offered this guidance, to simply:
"Try a little harder, to be a little better."

It's what God asks of us. If we want to show our love for Him, then we should be working daily to head in the direction that will lead us back to Him, as the son or daughter He wants us to be.

1 comment:

  1. Brother Backman from the ward (not sure if you know him or not...) made the following comment in an Elder's Quorum lesson a few months ago, "We must accept that we are imperfect without accepting our imperfections!" It is okay that we aren't perfect! That's why we have the Atonement! But we also need to do our very best every day to progress to a point of perfection somewhere in the future! Also, every time I see that picture of President Hinckley (taken at a BYU football game, btw) I want to give him a hug and buy him a hot chocolate with extra marshmallows and whipped cream!
