Hey, folks! It's Chrissy. This blog is a selfish one. Meaning, I'm writing it primarily as a way to motivate myself to never stop searching the Gospel and learning new things. However, if anyone would like to drop in and see if they can learn from my insights, you're more than welcome!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Blessing #10: Accomplishment

I'm going to take a break from my usual kind of posts, because I've always wanted to share my thoughts on having a strict goal-setting/ achieving mindset.

Personally, I've found that this frame of mind can be a little disheartening at times, simply because we often neglect to give ourselves credit for our efforts (however successful) if they didn't amount up to exactly what our goal was trying to achieve. 

Now don't get me wrong, goal-setting is fantastic. When done correctly, it gives purpose to our lives, and it is a vital element in leading a motivated, successful life. I have lots of goals for myself, and yes, I do have a bucket list. 

But, have you ever considered looking at your life in the other direction?
It is with that thought that I created my "Done It" list, a sort of backwards bucket list, separate from my journal, recording the cool things I've done in my life, in no particular order. Making a list of life experiences that I've already had and cool accomplishments of mine has been a great boost of confidence! It has given me immense gratitude for the opportunities I've been blessed with, and I have definitely enjoyed living life a bit fuller, knowing that I have this list here on my laptop- and it needs to keep growing!

So, ladies and gents, I highly encourage you to start your own "Done It" list. You might be surprised at how rewarding and awesome your life has been. And remember- it's a work in progress!

...And yes, I'll share mine: Done it.